American Psycho vs. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Part of: Television[Breakfast: pumpkin pie and a Hot Toddy]
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa...I know that you are proud of being crazy and er, spontaneous to put it nicely. Until this week's "America's Next Top Model," I was leaning toward Jayla being the most psycho in the house. Actually, she is. I can picture her "accidentally" dropping her hair dryer into the bathtub when it becomes obvious who will be ANTM. Or "accidentally" filling her competitors shampoo bottles with bleach. But maybe she'll be more subtle and start stalking this season's winner, "accidentally" running her over with her SUV. Jayla won't win, but you won't either, darling Lisa.
Lisa, I am particularly concerned about your mental health after this week's episode. Seriously, what grown woman trying to have a career in the modeling or entertainment industry would wear an adult diaper and pee in it (on camera, no less)? A disturbed one. But I'm not done with you. I was sooo embarrassed for you when you dressed up in your version of a ghetto chick. Acting out a stereotype of a minority when you are a white girl on national television is plain stupid. Perhaps you should join Kate Moss' next jaunt in rehab.
P.S. I'm very scared of what's going to happen in next week's episode in London.
Dirty Girls
America's Next Top Muppet
America's Next Top Role Model
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