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Alison Goldfrapp is a Bond Chick--*Updated

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Music

Will Goldfrapp and James Bond be a match made in heaven? Whisperings of the possibility that Goldfrapp is doing the theme song for Casino Royale popped up on a French James Bond Website days ago. Now the British tabloids have picked up on the news. However, MI6's Bond site is ahead of them with this news:

Now an MI6 Forums member has reported that singer Alison Goldfrapp confirmed the news at their London gig last Saturday. According to the audience member, Alison announced that Goldfrapp were in the process of writing the Casino Royale title song.

Goldfrapp consists of Alison Goldfrapp (lead vocals. keyboards, synthesizer) and Will Gregory (keyboards, synthesizer).

Though Goldfrapp's latest album, Supernature, isn't my favorite, I really hope that they are doing the theme song. Their glam pop style will add to Casino Royal's edgier take on Bond.


via MI6:

James Bond composer David Arnold has confirmed to BBC 6 Music that the recent rumours that Goldfrapp would be writing the theme song to Casino Royale are false. Tabloids 'confirmed' the Goldfrapp rumours yesterday, using the usual anonymous 'sources'.

Arnold told the station, "The Goldfrapp thing came about I believe as a Bond fan made up a fan art poster and put it on the net. He listed on the credits music by Goldfrapp as that was a band he would like to see doing it, and a French website decided that it was real so published a story.The internet is really quite amazing."

He confirmed that he has already started work on the song with the official artist, and that their identity would be revealed soon.

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