Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Fashionista Du Jour

Part of: Fashion , Fashionista Du Jour , Hollywood , NYC , Paris Hilton

[Breakfast: a biscotti and PG Tips tea with oat milk]

Usually I find Anne Hathaway really annoying and ugly, but she looks cute in this still from A Devil Wears Prada. (BTW, that totally pained me to say that--worse than saying that Paris Hilton looks good) Hathaway's hair doesn't look overly coiffed and her dress is sophisticated. I would be psyched to see The Devil Wears Prada if she weren't in it, but will probably still see it. (I only thought the book was so-so.) I want to see Meryl Streep playing Anna Wintour that fashion editor character. Anne Hathaway reminds me of one of those annoying theatre geeks in high school who had overinflated egos because they've been told that they're talented actresses and happen to be straight A students. She's so goody two shoes and really bugged me in Brokeback Mountain. Maybe when she's older she'll grow on me, but probably not.

P.S. I've heard that the movie isn't good, so I doubt I'll see it now.

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