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Postcard from Cannes - Part Four

Part of: Food , Hollywood , Travel

My first meal in Cannes was excellent. I had pizza with proscuitto and goat cheese with a side salad, red wine, and my first baguette. I know you're like, WTF, pizza? But a friend of mine who's a foodie and who lived in Nice at one time, said Nice had the best pizza in the world and she's Italian. Nice is about 35 minutes away from Cannes. The pizza was amazing, as was the baguette. I've never had a French baguette in LA that even came close to tasting like one in France. (Rachael has, though). My first baguette in France is one of those simple things in life that make me very happy. After lunch I walked along The Croisette, which is the promenade area and street between the hotels and the beach. It's where you'll run into anyone you know and have star sightings.

When I got to the end of La Croisette, I sat down and watched the people on the beach. I was under the impression that a lot of women went topless, but that wasn't the case. Only a couple of them were at any of the beaches during my stay in Cannes and most of them were older. It was disturbing that there was a gang of thirtysomething guys with binoculars near where I was sitting who were checking out a couple that were making out in the waterot even the topless women. They obviously never get laid. Walking back I came across a group of four scantily clad and heavily made up women who looked like they could be porn stars or alcoholic beverage du jour models sluts. I was disappointed because I wanted to have a pin up sighting. You always see these pictures of women posing in next to nothing on the beach in Cannes, but since they're French it's somehow more appealing. The slutty girls were wearing short shorts and tight T-shirts--tres dull. I did see a lot of bad fashion in Cannes and got DK to snap a picture of me and a woman with a horrible teal dress on at The Carlton. Unfortunately, the photo doesn't do it justice and I have a really fake smile on my face since the picture wasn't about me. Whatever. It's still funny because it looks like the woman is wearing her old prom dress.

I had the impression that all the shops in Cannes would be designer and there are your Chopards, Louis Vuittons and the like on the same street as the most expensive hotels. Behind that street is the Rue d'Antibes which has tons of regular stores like Zara, Mango, Etam and Tara Jarmon--the newest Target GO International Designer. (BTW, I wasn't impressed with her regular line.) There are also a lot of cafes for people watching. TBC...

Related Entries:

Postcard from Cannes- Part Three
Postcard from Cannes- Part Two
Postcard from Cannes- Part One
Gossip for Breakfast in Cannes


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