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Reese Witherspoon is Fat, Not Pregnant

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Rant , Reese Witherspoon

No, I don't think that Reese is fat. She's just not starving herself or doing massive amounts of drugs to be an emaciated Hollywood starlet. But she's a star and there aren't a lot of women her age in Hollywood who are real stars. She's also one of the highest paid actresses. Maybe Reese has other things to do besides starving herself like having energy to spend time with her family. Reese is now suing Star magazine for saying that she is pregnant because of the baggy clothes she's been wearing. Some women wear Empire style dresses and tops because they're flattering and that look has been in style. The magazine also said that Reese is hiding her pregnancy from the producers of two movies that she will soon start filming. It's too bad that Reese and her family (including hot husband Ryan Phillippe)can't just enjoy their summer instead of having to deal with a lawsuit. I mean, they're already pursued by the paparazzi constantly, but that's the price of fame. Summer is a slow time for gossip, so magazines like Star invent stories more than usual.

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