Hollywood 101: Reality is Perception
Part of: Hollywood , TelevisionDK was nice enough to scan this ad from Variety for me. I haven't seen this scan anywhere on the web. You really lose out if you don't see the entire visual. This ad was for HBO's show Entourage. It was the first double-page ad in the magazine and ran in the June 22 issue of Variety, the Monday edition after the "Opening Weekend" of the film. The reality of this ad was that it was fictional. Aquaman the movie only exists on Entourage right now. So the ad was genius, but there's a clip from a CNBC news segment where Joe Kernan is going over the weekend box office and says that previously Aquaman held the title of having the biggest opening numbers, but that Pirates of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest beat it. Fishbowl NY has a quote from TVNewser clarifying things:
In the earlier segment, Kernen said: "These numbers are staggering, reminds me of Entourage, Aquaman, when they finally got the numbers there." Since most viewers heard that segment, Kernen didn't mention Entourage the second time around. As a CNBC spokesman, said, "there are always quick cultural references" on Squawk Box.Hmm...but where is the video clip that proves this? Anyway, it's still funny either way. What's even funnier is that Entourage is already dated becaue they've mentioned on the last two episodes how Spiderman was the highest grossing movie of all time. Back to the editing bay, boys.
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