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Scrawny Legs 'Ana' Alert

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Hollywood , Kate Bosworth

[Breakfast: two graham cracker sheets and green tea]

Click to Enlarge - Diane Kruger Click to Enlarge - Kate Bosworth
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Diane Kruger and Kate Bosworth have almost identical legs. I don't know if Diane is 'ana'. Given that she is a former ballerina and model, it's likely that she went through a bout of disordered eating. She was asked to gain 15 pounds for her breakout role as Helen of Troy. Diane was also quoted as saying,

"I lost nine pounds during the publicity for Troy; I was back to my modelling weight. I rushed to put it back on - it's not good to be too skinny on film."

It is clear that her weight tends to go up and down. Let's hope that Diane's budding romance with Joshua Jackson keeps her at a normal weight.

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