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Tiara Girls

Part of: Fashion , Fashion Accessory Du Jour , Gossip , Hollywood , Paris Hilton , Rant , Scarlett Johansson , Sparkly
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I don't know when the mockery of tiara's began. Maybe beauty pageants? I can understand them being used for Halloween costumes, but stupid starlets and musicians shouldn't be wearing them. None of the women pictured below have any class compared to Princess Grace Kelly and Princess Diana.

Courtney Love and Amanda de Cadenet started the trend of actresses/musicians wearing tiaras for sport at the 1995 Oscars. They also wore slinky white dresses and put on a lesbian act. How classy! At least they were original for the time. Scarlett Johansson's stylist obviously wanted to be a princess when she grew up. Why else would she make Scarlett wear a tiara to the 2005 Oscars? Paris Hilton has to be the most annoying tiara wearer alive. Paris came up with her own line of tiaras and then proceeded to wear them when she was doing errands like grocery shopping. Last week Christina Aguilerra wore a tiara to some random event. I don't know why she paired it with a tight dress. This needs to stop. I'm planning on throwing a Take Back the Tiara event soon. Anyone over the age of 15 who's worn a tiara in vain can donate a tiara for charity.

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It also make's Nicole Ritchie's head look even smaller.

I love Xtina's tiara. Its edgy yet beautiful

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