Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Gossip for Breakfast

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Gossip , Hollywood , Travel

Think hard about which actress most men and women would love to molest--hell, even I would have molested one point--but who has recently wasted away even more from a drug problem and not from an eating disorder. You shouldn't be shocked because this is the case with most actresses. I do not know which drug or drugs this actress favors, but according to my source she is usually drugged out during the time not spend with her loved ones.

Also, which Jessica is getting naked in her next film? (I do find it funny that it's the most talented of the three actresses who has decided to do it first.)


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If it's Angelina, that would explain it.

easy-peasey..Angelina Jolie

Hoorah! BAT is back!

When is Angelina ever NOT with her kids??? She is photographed with them daily. She is a busy lady. She's so skinny because she lost her mother earlier this year and she carries two kids around at all times. I'd be a twig too. It isn't her. Get over it.

Finally!!!!! I was almost going to send out a search party!

jessica biel's getting her kit off... powder blue is one depressing-ass script. i read for it twice for a tranny who offs herself.

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