Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Dear Readers

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Hi Guys,

Sorry I haven’t posting consistently, but DK and I have been closing escrow, packing and I’ve been working on my two other projects. My health has also sucked this year because I never get enough sleep due to the constant construction on the units in our apartment building. Blah, blah, blah. I hate excuses, but I haven’t forgotten about you. Posting should be more consistent in December or by the New Year. I’ve been aquiring new sources and am excited about getting even more juicy gossip for you. I haven’t been shopping much except for ephemera as I’ve recently started studying collage. I did pick up a couple of great vintage finds in Toronto. When you go somewhere else, you realize how all the stylists get the best vintage stuff in LA—it’s soo not fair. I plan on writing next week about a party I’m going to this weekend, so stay tuned.




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I need breaks from blogging sometimes, too. Looking forward to the return, though. :)

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