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To Buy Without Guilt

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I love The Container Store. I recently had to buy storage for my magazine collection. I wasn't expecting for The Container store to have any green options, but they have a really stylish magazine holder made from 65% recycled post industrial material. The magazine holder is white with small round textured circles. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of it and it isn't for sale on The Container Store's website. But it is $11.99 and some of them have a sticked on them with the recycle sign. This modern collection also contains various other storage containers and boxes.

The Container Store has other green options such as 100% recycled packing tissue paper, bulletin boards, and recycled gift totes among others. Seen above is their natural desktop file made from recycled fiberboard material.


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Very cool stuff if it doesn't have the lingering bad odor of waste products like most green products do..

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