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How to Spot an American Overseas

Part of: Brangelina , Fashion , Hollywood , NYC , Random , Seinfeld-esque , Slice of Life , Travel

[Breakfast: Whole Food's organic high fiber cereal with almond milk]


Don't you all love Tatum O'Neil? If you don't, check out her first film Paper Moon. She won Best Actress in a Supporting Role at the Oscars that year for her performance. She was ten-years old. It's rough that she was arrested for buying heroin and crack the other day. She needs to be adopted by Brangelina --that would straighten her out.

But this post isn't about her. You see that girl behind Tatum O'Neil in the picture? She probably works for US Weekly since she's writing something. Do you know how sick I am of seeing my Mossimo hoodie from Target on other women? The worst was when I was in Cannes and ran into someone else wearing it when I had it on. I also had sightings in Avignon and Paris. WTF? I'm very upset that Target still sells this hoodie--I recently saw it at their Manhattan Beach store.

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Oh - coincidence on the Tatum O'Neil front. HBO has been showing "Bad News Bears" for the past couple weeks. Great tomboy performance from Tatum included...

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