Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Just a T-Shirt

Part of: Fashion

[Breakfast: a goat cheese and asparagus omelette from Joan's on Third]


Yes, I spent over a hundred dollars on a cotton T-shirt. And, yes, I find this amount for a T-shirt offensive. Whenever I don't fork out the money for something I love, I usually regert that I didn't buy it. I try to find the object of my desire again (like a certain Mayle purse that I didn't buy at Satine months ago) and it's impossible to find. This Rococco print tee by Monrow fits really well and can be worn more places than your ordinary print shirt--at least that's what I'm telling myself to justify the cost. I bought it in red and it's definitely my favorite v-neck. The cut is different and I find it very sexy.


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