Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , LA , Lindsay Lohan , Slice of Life

The paparazzi heart Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson. Seriously. I was walking to an appointment in Beverly Hills yesterday when I saw a swarm of paps jump on two people as they left a restaurant. I thought maybe it was Mary-Kate Olsen because the person was wearing a flannel and was little girl thin. The other person looked like a young boy. I was kind of stumped by the stringy uber long hair--remnants of a weave. But MK has messy hair, not long stringy hair. There were even two policeman walking close to the circus in case any of the paps got out of hand. I figured out this morning from the picture above that the celebrities had been Lindsay (little girl) and Sam (little boy). LL and Sam had a late lunch at Il Tramezzino on Canon and then the paps pounced on them. BTW: Il Tramezzino has delicious paninis--my fave is the grilled chicken one.

P.S. I just found out that my favorite radio station Indie 103.1 is going off the air. WTF?


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