Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Fashionista Du Jour

Part of: Fashionista Du Jour , Hollywood , Rant

[Breakfast: leftover ny breakfast sandwich from Joan's on Third.]

jess-biel1.jpg jess-biel-more1.jpg

Jessica Biel looks cute here. She always looks cute, though I wish her lips were real. I've seen her around town a few times now and she seems like someone who would be cool to hang out with. When I've seen her at restaurants, she isn't checking her lip gloss at the table, or running to the bathroom to make sure she looks photo ready. Oh, and she eats food like a normal person. The problem with Jessica Biel is that she can't act. On the plane back home I tried to watch Easy Virtue. I had watched Revolutionary Road and was desperate to follow it with a light movie. After about a half an hour, I couldn't watch her anymore. Can't someone send her to the best acting teacher in Hollywood? I mean, she was playing this glamorous character who was also the first woman racecar driver. How much of a stretch is that to act? Maybe the fact that movie was set in the 1920s was difficult, but still. In real life, Jessica Biel is an athletic tomboy who turns into a glamazon for pr related activities. I do hope that she will get some acting chops someday or be directed by someone who brings out an amazing performance.


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I really like what she's wearing. She looks, make-up, on!

FYI - her lips are real. Check out the movie "Ulee's Gold". She was like 13 and looks the same.

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