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June 06, 2008
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Brangelina ,
Fashion ,
Hollywood ,
Random ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life ,
[Breakfast: Whole Food's organic high fiber cereal with almond milk] Don't you all love Tatum O'Neil? If you don't, check out her first film Paper Moon. She won Best Actress in a Supporting Role at the Oscars that year for...[More]
February 08, 2008
Part of:
Random ,
Rant ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
The other day I was making my breakfast and spilled the last serving of cereal on the floor. When something like this happens you should go back to bed--trust me. Then, less than ten minutes later I spilled 1/2 a...[More]
November 13, 2007
Part of:
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
The party ended up being too intimate to write about. But something funny happened today. I went to my favorite local coffee store and there was a writers’ picket sign on the wall. Of course, I already figured out it...[More]
October 12, 2007
Part of:
'Ana' Alert ,
Fashion ,
Hollywood ,
Jessica Alba ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life ,
[Breakfast: 2 Morning Star links and 15 pieces of peanut Sunspire candies] Oh right, I was going to write more about TIFF. DK and I were invited to a premiere screening of Bill complete with an after party and a...[More]
June 25, 2007
Part of:
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Click Photos to Enlarge 1. DEMI: "Yes, I'm hot and he's hot." ASHTON: "I'll always be hotter than she is because I'm younger and a guy." 2. DEMI: "He's all mine ladies and gents!! ALL MINE!!!!! ASHTON: "Damn, Demi...[More]
March 15, 2006
Part of:
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Stoned! ,
--“Desperate Housewives” should be called “Desperate Actresses.” That’s what I’ll name my new pilot! It’s a story about an ensemble cast of actresses who are so desperate to stay in the spotlight that their lives revolve around topping each...[More]
February 22, 2006
Part of:
Food ,
Hollywood ,
LA ,
[Breakfast: a rice krispie treat and green tea] DK and I had brunch at Barneys Greengrass on Sunday. It was weird, cuz our waiter was acting all stressed out even though it was 2:30 pm and the restaurant was a...[More]
February 17, 2006
Part of:
Food ,
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Rant ,
DK and I went to The Lobster for Valentine’s Day where we got to stuff ourselves with spiny Pacific lobster and Veuve Clicquot. It was the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner except for the annoying couple sitting next to us....[More]
February 13, 2006
Part of:
LA ,
[Breakfast: a breakfast quesadilla with turkey bacon, mozzarella and spinach] Parts of a conversation between two fiftysomething women at Cafe Vida in the Pacific Palisades. Pacific Palisades vs. Santa Monica "I had thought about renting office space in Santa Monica,...[More]
January 04, 2006
Part of:
Food ,
LA ,
[Breakfast: a chocolate chip cappuccino muffin and an English Breakfast tea] Dating sucks. All that talk about having fun and getting to know different people is BS. Guys think that women have it better because they can get free meals...[More]
October 19, 2005
Part of:
LA ,
[Breakfast: cinnamon/ginger yogurt] DK got a second note on his car. When he told me this, I assumed that it was from the same person who left the first one. Maybe we’d have to take the note to the police....[More]
September 29, 2005
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[Breakfast: a pumpkin and chocolate chip tofu muffin] I’m glad that I’m sick and can’t make my friend’s Vegas Bachelorette party this weekend. One of her bridesmaids is acting more like a maid of honor and has become a Nazi*...[More]
July 21, 2005
Part of:
Food ,
Updated [Breakfast: a handful of red grapes and a soy green tea latte] Don’t hate me for making a recipe from The South Beach Diet book. I’m not a recipe snob, and DK thought it was one of the tastiest...[More]
July 11, 2005
Part of:
LA ,
[Breakfast: steel cut oatmeal with brown sugar] A girl in her early thirties asked her law school friend, "How long do people stay on death row for?" 4 girls in sweats: "Did you get your makeup done?" "No." "Your face...[More]
June 08, 2005
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[Breakfast: a green tea soy latte] The Regular Bikini Wax - Removes all hair outside of the panty line. The Brazilian Bikini Wax - Leaves a vertical stripe or triangular shape in the vaginal area, two to three fingers in...[More]
June 05, 2005
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Trick Or Treat
[Breakfast: a cappuccino chip muffin] I was waiting for my friend after her comedy show the other night. Because I was bored, I decided to make small talk with a twentysomething guy, Joe, who was cleaning up the theatre. “Is...[More]
June 01, 2005
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[Breakfast: a lemon poppy seed scone] I am very particular about where I sit in restaurants. DK and I tend to be more spur-of-the-moment kind of people, so we can’t always get prime seats. Friday night, at our favorite Italian...[More]
October 12, 2004
Part of:
Rant ,
Breakfast: everything bagel with cream cheese and organic Costa Rican coffee I walked in from brunch and decided to check on my laundry. I could sneak around the back, but then realized that the back door wasn’t open. There wasn’t...[More]
October 05, 2004
Part of:
Rant ,
Breakfast: super florentine omelette sans mushrooms= spinach, goat cheese (instead of cheddar cheese), chicken apple sausage(instead of spicy sausage)onions and coffee from Bread and Porridge. You know those people who are too nice? Those are the dangerous ones. They’re the...[More]
August 26, 2004
Part of:
Food ,
Gossip ,
LA ,
[Brunch: Leftovers from last night and Chardonnay] I’ve always been smug about the fact that no one can stalk me, because my schedule is never the same. Last night, I went to Joe’s in Venice on a date. I had...[More]
August 24, 2004
Part of:
LA ,
Breakfast: Asiago and parmesan bagel with vegetable cream cheese. I’m at the Self-Realization Center in Encinitas. It’s so peaceful and beautiful, except for the loud tourists who only came for the ocean view. I’m sitting on a white marble bench....[More]
August 18, 2004
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[Breakfast: Balance Bar (honey peanut)] On my mini-break, I was sitting in the sun wearing a straw hat and my glamorous sunglasses that remind me of the nice Persol’s that someone stole from me. Two older women (over 50) who...[More]
August 09, 2004
Part of:
LA ,
Breakfast: a slice of cantaloupe and black coffee I stopped by Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Malibu the other day. I had just had an Ice Blended Mocha™ the day before and was already craving one again. I used...[More]
August 02, 2004
Part of:
LA ,
Breakfast: French Toast Great. More blue ink in my (paper) journal. I only like writing with black ink. I’ve had quite a few embarrassing things happen to me recently. Previously at my brunch at Geoffrey’s, I walked part of the...[More]
July 26, 2004
Part of:
Hollywood ,
Updated Breakfast: toasted baguette with strawberry jam and butter I was staring at the cheese spread trying to figure out the different kinds. The Charles Shaw chardonnay I was swigging was so-so. Trader Joe’s goes through wine hype and Charles...[More]
July 02, 2004
Part of:
LA ,
Breakfast: "this apple walks into a bar..." cereal bar from Trader Joes's 11:09 AM Wake up. For some reason I’ve been extra tired lately and have been opening my eyes at exactly 11:09 AM. I wake up before then, but...[More]
May 04, 2004
Part of:
LA ,
Literati ,
Breakfast: Banana Nutri Grain Bar/ Chubby Hubby Ice Cream My Day Last Thursday--written informally (i.e. I didn't spend time editing it) 10:30 am Wake up late—WTF? I went to sleep at 1:30AM! I thought I’d wake up at 9:30. I...[More]
April 03, 2004
Part of:
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Breakfast: water by Tiffany Stone Kate and I were standing at the not quite open bar at the new restaurant/ club, Oyster. No party could suck with unlimited Veuve Clicquot. (In my world, Champagne was the new vodka.) The club...[More]
March 31, 2004
Part of:
Breakfast: Dos Equis and Red Stripe (not really) I was out for drinks the other night at one of the few cool bars on the Westside. The bar was quite dark, but I noticed that one of the bartenders was...[More]
March 04, 2004
Part of:
LA ,
Breakfast: toast with cashew butter and blueberry preserves My portable heater broke a while back, so I’ve been freezing my ass off. Trying to find a heater has been my second job, because they are out of season. Last time...[More]
February 05, 2004
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Breakfast: same as yesterday I was watching Seinfeld the other night. The episode was based around flying. Jerry and Elaine ended up getting bumped off a flight, so they were rewarded with one first class ticket. Jerry got the first...[More]
February 03, 2004
Part of:
LA ,
*Edit at end of post Breakfast: chai soy latte and egg in a hole (this really good olive bread egg thing) from The Coral Tree in Brentwood. *This was an e-mail my friend and I received that cracked me up....[More]
January 22, 2004
Part of:
Hollywood ,
LA ,
by Tiffany Stone Kate and I were standing at the not quite open bar at the new restaurant/ club, Oyster. No party could suck with unlimited Veuve Clicquot. (In my world, champagne was the new vodka.) The club had an...[More]
January 12, 2004
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* For now on any ANONYMOUS comments will be deleted. Thank You. Meal Du Jour: I don't usually like cheap restaurants, but there was a commercial last night for The Olive Garden: All you can eat soup, salad and bread...[More]
December 18, 2003
Part of:
Literati ,
* I apologize for my lack of editing on this piece. I wanted to get it up today,like I promised. I've said before that my pieces here are not perfectly edited. I already spend too much time editing my non-blog...[More]
November 25, 2003
Part of:
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Breakfast: Spega Decaf Low Fat Yogurt (Imported from Italy) I saw the Sunday matinee of The Producers. It was amusing, though too long at three hours. My friend L let me borrow some binoculars. L said, “Look, Tiffany, the conductor...[More]
November 12, 2003
Part of:
Hollywood ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
Breakfast: vegetarian mini-pizza After receiving two particularly disconcerting phone calls, I decided to hide out at the movies. I’ve now seen three movies since Saturday: The Station Agent, Mystic River and Under the Tuscan Sun. I’ve learned, yet again, how...[More]
November 10, 2003
Part of:
Fashion ,
Food ,
LA ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
I ran into an acquaintance, B, at my local coffeehouse today. She was wearing a fabulous tangerine-colored double breasted pea coat. B is always dressed to the 9’s. I admit, I was impressed she was so stylish at 10AM on...[More]
November 07, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
Breakfast: 2 pumpkin pineapple mini muffins I went to Manhattan Beach for the day to write. Of course, I left the hard copy of my story I was going to work on at my apartment. I don’t like to bring...[More]
November 06, 2003
Part of:
LA ,
Breakfast: 3 wheat-free pumpkin (w/ pineapple on top) mini muffins from Mani's. I am very sad that Pamela Anderson got her breast implants restored. How cool was it when she took them out? That took guts, since they were part...[More]
October 27, 2003
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Breakfast: Rice Crispy Treat My dad recently went to a conference where Ben Stein was one of the speakers. He let me borrow Ben Stein’s “How to Ruin Your Life” and “How to Ruin Your Love Life.” I figured I...[More]
October 22, 2003
Part of:
Food ,
LA ,
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life ,
Breakfast: Rice Crispy Treat My sweet friend, J, had me over for homemade asparagus soup last night. I ate it, despite the fact that I knew my cold would break because of the cream. And it did. I had been...[More]
October 10, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
My magazine subscriptions are out of control. Magazines I subscribe to: 1. The New Yorker 2. Vanity Fair 3. Allure Gift subscriptions: 1. National Geographic 2. Harper's Bazaar 3. Interview 4. Self 5. Lucky 6. Entertainment Weekly For Christmas, a...[More]
October 10, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
There was a knock at our door. The other attorney was ready for us. C went to the bathroom, and I introduced myself to the enemy, H. H was a black man, too. However, he was overweight with a very...[More]
October 08, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
Hmmm… I need to try and finish this before the real (?) “Law and Order” comes on. I didn’t sleep very well last night due to some anxiety over the deposition today. I got out of bed at 8AM (early...[More]
October 08, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
* I wrote this back in May. I was in a car accident a year and a half ago, and the insurance company didn't want to pay my entire medical bill or compensate me for my lost wages. I had...[More]
September 23, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
Usually, I believe (for the most part) that people can do whatever they want as long as they aren’t hurting others. A trip to Barnes and Noble today changed my mind. The tables are always packed there, that’s a given....[More]
August 26, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
I thought I would finally get out of the video store without incident. Artsy Clerk #2 was smiling at me through his curled up moustache, "Hey, you know there is a dollar late fee on the account." "Okay, I'll just...[More]
August 25, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
A clerk at my local "artsy" video store said, “Tiffany sounds like a James Bond girl.” Most unoriginal men have said it sounded like a porn star's name. When I told "artsy" clerk that, he gave me a sly look,...[More]
August 25, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
My hipster balloon was recently popped. I went to my local “artsy” video store to rent two movies. I had called my movie in, so I went straight to checkout. I was in an okay mood and decided to be...[More]
August 20, 2003
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In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt Yeah, I am feeling guilty for not standing up for the homeless...[More]
August 18, 2003
Part of:
Seinfeld-esque ,
Slice of Life
I just went to the post office and stood unnecessarily in line for fifteen minutes. My box had overflowed and I needed to collect a very large package-so large it didn’t fit into the bigger boxes! I thought to myself,...[More]